Saturday, November 22, 2014

God the Terrorist

God the Terrorist

I noticed that all almost 100% of the population here in the Limbo were afraid of God or the Devil.
Most were women. Surprisingly even if they were about to be punished by god, they still had hanging from their necks,  a symbol  that represented him, when he lived on the earth and was cruxified. Even if they, women, were vilified, lessened, chastisied by all religions, they were the vast majority.
I tought it was appropiate for God to punish them, because nobody likes to be mocked or bullied. After his stay on the earth I  think he did not like to see a cross ever again. I think he felt  these people were mocking him by wearing a the object of his suffering on Earth, a  cross that he saw almost everywhere he went.
If Jews that died on the Holocaust came back to life, I don't thin k they would like to see a swastica hanging from peoples' necks.
Most of this people reacted in ways whe they suddendly encontered the mighty ones,I saw some things that I have never witnessed: shaking with  terror, most jumping back, trying to protect their face, their eyes almost popping  out, their mouth wide open.
I was understandable to be afraid from Satan...but why from God?? Then the voices , like always, came to my rescue:
_See that guy overthere?
_Yes, ...¿the one shaking?
_Yes , that one...well, he, like many others along the millions of years since devil and god come around were punished for wearing clothes made of different material. We understand is a rule or law because he is not the only one, we've seen millions like him along the years,  being punished for the same reason. All these people you see around here based their lives on a single book and all the people you see here at one poin t or another broke a rule from that book, according to this book, if you want to go to heaven you have to be free of sins or violations. The violation for wearing clothes of different material is
_See those kids with guts out, ripped clothes, with claw marks??
_They made fun of a bald man named Elisha,  and this guy, (Looking around when he said "this guy" )  god sent a bear a killed them. ¿ You don't believe it ,  right? Just look at the book that knows everything or just Google "bear, bald, god, 42" , because they are 42 children.
_So, ¿ You still think a ONLY the devil is the bad guy??? Let me tell you about ...
I left , the only thing I could hear was numbers:

Tipica Mujer Mexicana

This the story of typical Mexican woman , a story shared by many women around the world.
I was drawn to her presence because she looked very familiar. She was the kind of woman that I idealized as the perfect woman to be my partner in this life. I was drawn to her because she had a contrasting face and body.Her face was full of bumps, crackling burnt, abused but at the same time her face conserved those high cheek that send electrical waves through my body, also she had this beatiful big eyes and eyelaces, and red juicy lips and wide round hips.Her hair was long, brown and showed some signs of maturity with some shades of gray. I don't understand why I alway liked women who had a look of melancholy in their sparkling eyes, and she was one of those women.

I could not understand why she kept turning around ln a way that you saw only one side of her face. For some reason I could not understan YET she wanted to show only her RIGHT SIDE , never the left. This, plus her remaining beauty, a beauty that she seemed to keep at any cost or circunstances, this two things intrigued me. 
It looks she felt confortable being around women similar to her, always surrounded or around religious icons. This gave me a clue (I tought) why she did not want show her left side. I tought she was one of those fanatical religious women who had strange, absurd, dark, nonsense ideas that ignorace had kept even if thousands of years had passed. For thousands of years some people think that right is good and left is bad or related to the demon or dark things. 

It was obvious that she did not want to show that side of her body or face, and I respected that since she was the kind of woman somehow sacred to me , I walked away and sat in a place where she could not see me and proceeded to observed her.
I sat there observing her for maybe 30 minutes and at times caught glimpses of her other side.
I tought that I saw a swollen eye , the left one.
This disturbed me because my brain could not understand or assimilate the idea that a beatiful woman could be like that, but then I saw her face full of bumps, cracked, parched, dry and slowly realized that she was hiding something. Her right eye showed signs of being hitted too, because it looked like she was about to be blind.

She was an abused woman!!!
She hid her disgrace being surrounded or around women like her, around churches , dragging her sons and daughters, she chose to be around women that shared same fate, same abuse, women that stiil managed a smile and still had a sparkle in their eyes and a _____________ to rear their sons or daughters.
These women gathered mostly on Sundays and all begged "god" to change their lives.
This made me angry, I don' know if it was because she was my ideal woman or because she reminded of my mother or simply because I did not like to see any human being being abused that way specially if the could not defend themselves phisically, since we all know that this "god" that know was my boss , did not make men and women equually strong.
I looked at "god", (and yes god with lower case because I was mad at him) and he sensed all my wrath, because he looked away, with a ashamed look.
It was obvious that she would not be able to hide her disgrace all the time, so I looked at her and she sensed it and looked at me too directly at my eyes,like penetrating my head, in a way that we understood that we had to talk and I took it as a very human need to free your soul of some weight once in a while.
I walked to her, she did the same , we met half way , the she motioned me to a room (it looks that here in Limbo there was lots of empty rooms ).
The only things that were in this room were a bed,a mirror, toys for girls and boys, and her panties (purple) drying in top of __________.
She sat on the bed , she touched the bed, patted it, signaling to sit there too.
I sensed she felt confortable with me, she seemed very at ease, like I was a confidant or physicologist.
Without preamble she started:
_Yes, my husband hit me, all men on my life hitted me, I did not fell down or hit myself on a door, but thanks to god he only hitted me on my left side, I guess I deserved it he knows because he knows that left is bad, devilish, bad, dark and I guess that in that side all my bads things reside.

I was shocked to hear this kind of reasonings. So I answered in a way that she could understand or relate.
_Your heart is on the left side and heart and soul is the same.
She started to cry, her head slumped down, grabbed my hands, sobbing,
_Yes, I know, God placed the heart in the wrong side.
_ You don't look like a bad person (I emphasized the word PERSON) , you looked like a very good human being.
I made sure the only words her brain coud absorbe were HUMAN and PERSON.
_How do you know how a woman is?? Are you a mind reader? Are you God??
_ I just looked on the eyes of all humans and can tell if they have a good heart, yes, I know that looks are deceiving and....
_Maybe I am one one of those deceiving women.
_No!! I bet your heart is full of beatiful ideas, projects, good will wishes , I bet some times your heart is so full of this that you feel is going to to explode, I guess that whatever you have in your soul or heart does not flourish because someone repress it.
Those words opened the container that hold her soul, but it looked she needed this container to brake , she needed it to cry, and cry she did like only women can do it: from the heart, from the soul.
She embraced me , hugging me very tight, crying her head buried on my chest, soaking it.
We stayed embraced like this for maybe and hour , she feeling the warmth of my chest ( the warmth of my soul she said later).
He then calmed and some how I felt her lighter, so light that I pictured her flying, away , looking for something.
Without facing me, she spoke and I felt a nice , warm sensation on my chest when she was uttered these words:
_ My heart is very happy now and full of emotions , good emotions, wishes or project as you say, and I feel like is going to explode.
When she said this I tightned my armas around her head, signaling my happiness.
_ Do you want to see my heart??? Do you want to hear it???
_HAHAHAHAHHA! I am a simple human like you, I don't have any special powers.
_Ok, but you can hear it, right?? Maybe if you hear its beats you can read what they say.
She got loose of my embrace and looked up, straight onto my eyes and said:
_I'd like you to hear it.
And with a supplicant look like I saw a cat in the film SHREIK she said "PLEASEEEE???"
I melt every time a woman looks at me like that, with a happy face, sparkling eyes, and saying PLEASE.
_HAHAHHAHA ok I will listen to your heart.
I standed up and was about to close the door because I did want people to think I was doing something indecent. She stopped me and looked at me , perplexed.
_ I am going to close the door.
_No, leave like that, it's fine.
_What??? You are not the kind of woman that would let society see her with a man hearing her heart.
_Shut up and come here, don't destroy the magic that was just born in a human that wants to be herself at least for one minute, I don't care if people see us.
So I came back, and she was allready unbuttoning her blouse half way. I placed my head against her chest and saw part of two big, round perfect sized breasts, the size and shape that only mature women can have.
My nose so close to her skin smelled a smell so familiar to me.
I smelled happiness on her skin I smelled a WOMAN this time a woman with a wish to mate and be free, I smelled a womanly need.
Women smell different when someone touches their soul.
I heard a heart full of good wishes and projects a very happy one ready to explode.
_ The bumps on my face were made fists of men that lived on this earth,
some are hits, some are caused by fear.
_What do you mean caused by fear?? never heard of a ________called Psoriasis??
My mind went home and remembered psoriasis.
_I almost forgot that fear can cause psoriasis.

_What is that big hole in your head? Your head looks like a pot with no lid.

_That hole is open so women can deposit here what they have against inequallity or their complaints against men.
_ I see, I get it, you are some sort of sorrows depository.All women come to you and leave a note in your head . I see , then you take them to god and complaint why he allows all this.
The magic was gone.
She walked away and soon dissapeared around people followed by children , maybe hers.The last thing I saw was her swollen face attached to a neck that reminded me of a penis.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Revolucion en Mexico?

Una Revolucion en Mexico?
No es un secreto q millones de Mex han expresado abiertamnente q es muy necesaria una revolucion en Mexico.Es un secreto a voces.Ya no se ocultan como se ocultaba los luchadores de los años 70's.
Siempre ha sido el PRI el enemigo principal.
Pero se ha hecho algo en concreto para q millones de Mex se unan a una rebelion?
No. nada. Cero. Zilch.
El ultimo q quedaba ya murio de muerte natural: a balazos por un naco narco traficante mandado por un PRIista, o sea al estilo conocido del PRI.
Se llamaba Omar Guerrero Solis un guerrero q en su apellido la escencia de un puebloq ha sabido luchar y q desde hace siglos ha sido el primero en levantarse en armas ante una Injusticia.Su nome de guerre era Comandante Ramiro.
No hablemos del pasado de los q existieron igual q el.
Ni hablemos del los “zapatistas” SA DE CV. (tigres de papel)
Es ahora o nunca q tenemos q levantarnos, ya no tanto por las injusticias, corrupcion, narcos, desigualdad de genero, pobreza, campañas balines, etc etc. a las q ya nos acostumbramos gracias a las enseñanzas del PRI por mas de 70 años.
Esta revolucion deberia ser por VERGUENZA, por dignidad, por cambiarle al resto del Mundo el concepto q tiene d elos mexicanos: q somos unos pendejos y q facil nos manejan.
"independencia de 1810"
Muchos paises creeran q el Mexicano es el mismo de hace 500 años cuando los blancos eran lo “bueno” y ser nativo mexicano era cuestion de avergonzarse.
Es peligroso q otros paises piensen q Mexico no evoluciono despues de 500 años de “independencia”, q por cierto esa llamada Independencia no fue otra cosa q una guerra promovida por los los blancos (criollos) nacidos en Mexico para independizarce de España y q en ningun momento se hablo de derechos para los nativos, (igualdad necesaria paraq se llame una verdadera libertad o independencia) en especial igualdad con las mujeres.
La idea era ser libres de un rey lejano al q le pagaban tributos q beneficiaban a los españoles peninsulares (limpios) y q se olvidaba mucho d los españoles criollos o nacidos fuera de España (manchados por la tierra)Los blancos Mexicanos querian liberarse de la Vieja España y ser ellos los q gobernaran la Nueva España y a sus protegidos o sea los mestizos, indios y puntos intermedios. La Nueva España ya no era una tierra de indios y blancos sino q al pasar d los años se habia convertido en una mezcla de razas.
En un momento se intento hacer una lista grafica para definir las razas hibridas q resultaron , algo q no sirvio ya q fue imposible clasificar razas, pero SIEMPRE estuvo la raza blanca arriba de todas.
Es obvio q solo se uso a los nativos Mexicanos como carne de cañon , ya q se uso el instrumento q hasta el momento habia logrado controlar a miles de pobre , ignorantes y analfabetas:Una pintura q se volvio un icono gracias a q mencionan a un indigena como heroe al menos e n algo, una pintura q q hasta la fecha hace actuar a millones de Mexicanos, una pintura q los Mexicanos cambiaron de color, una pintura de una mujer blanca con razgos netamente anglosajones y q el Mexicano y q el mexicano decidio llamar la Virgen Morena.
Esa pintura fue una movida inteligente ya q sin hacer ninguna guerra los invasores españoles lograron la pacificacion de millones de Mexicanos.  En muchas pinturas d ela epoca se nota q los nativos mexicanos adoran a la virgen o a un dios nuevo y "verdadero" , se les nota la cara como hipnotizados, sin voluntad, como idos o poseidos adorando a su nuevo "dios" q segun la literatura catolica estos indigenas aceptaron con amor las "buenas nuevas" y lo ironico es q en la escuela se nos enseño q en todo territorio conquistado por los españoles se les SOMETIO a punta de espada y fuego y metiendo cizaña entre los pueblos.
Es algo curioso ver como millones de Mexicanos aceptan esta idea de un dios bondadoso q vino a nuestro Mexico y se le acepto asi nomas como asi van a misa y fervorosamente le piden a ese "dios" y se les OLVIDA las atrocidades q se cometieron en su nombre, y menos se cuestionan las bases infantiles en la se basa la iglesia para existir.
Los Criollos lograron la Independencia pero las cosas quedaron igual: mucha desigualdad entre pobres y ricos, o es lo mismo: desigualdad entre blancos y mestizos.
Siguio existiendo la desigualdad entre castas aun despues de la famosa "independencia" y es cuando hubo mas guerras para q la Iglesia y los Blancos (q eran una minoria) dejaran de dominar al Pueblo Mexicano.
Hubo guerras, muerte, destruccion, pero al Mexicano no se le libero la mente , El mexicano siguio y sigue con la creencia q ser blanco es ser mejor EN TODO: mas lindo, bueno, admirado, inteligente etc etc.

El concepto de los Mexicanos ya lo entiende a medias el resto del Mundo, poco a poco han ido entendiendo por q esa pintura ( la "virgen morena" )aparece en todos lados del mundo y es comercializada por miles.Se esta formando una idea del Mexicano parecida a la q se le tiene d elos Musulmanes: retrasados.
Sera algo genetico q al Mexicano se le olvide tantas cosas?
O es el Mexicano muy pendejo , tan pendejo q se le puede hipnotizar tan facil?

La revolucion no fue mas una guerra civil donde se acabo una guerra y no hubo cambios para muchos, los ricos (blancos)  seguian teniendo el control de los mas ignorantes y la MUJER como siempre por los siglos d elos siglos seguia sin derechos y el machismo muy bien gracias, nadie lo mencionaba, mas bien lo perpetuaba con peliculas de la “edad de oro” sera edad de oro del machismo.
Es peligroso pensar q la palabra GLOBALIZACION es solo para q lo entiendan unos cuantos.
Es peligroso pensar q no hay ningun Mexicano q entienda ese concepto o q es Mexico un pais q no esta incluido en la GLOBALIZACION o si se incluye sera uno de los paises q seran “mercado” abierto para q aparezcan tipos “estudiados” ( extranjeros? )q intenten seduccir al pais por tener una idea mal concebida de loq es el Mexico de ahora. Si el PRI intenta seguir con la dictadura por q ya “nos hayo el modito” eso conllevaria otra vez a una guerra civil ya q los viejos Pristas unidos a los nuevos es obvio q no les gusta perder ya que harian otra guerra teniendo a los Narcos como colaboradores, o tal vez el Mexicano olvido q en la dictadura, era aberrante la cantridad de “oficiales del gobierno” a todo nivel eran narcos . compadres, amigos, o conocidos narcos o q facilmente vendia impunidad a esta gente .
Era un convenio mutuo.
Es por eso q cuando perdieron hace 12 años, no les gusto, PRIistas y narcos no se organizaron al momento d ela primera derrota para defender lo q era “suyo” decidieron tomar un descanso de 6 años por q era inamiganble para ellos q pudieran perder otra vez.!!!COMO! Si ya se la sabian de todas todas!!!
Son humanos (?) (narcos hum,anos?) (???) y no se atrvieron a derramar sangre o tal vez hubiera sido demasiado obvio q se hiciera una guerra inmediatamente despues d la derrota de al primera derrota del PRI, o tal vez esta descision teniaq ser politica y ningun PRI ista quiso echarse encima semejante responsabilidad de inicia runa guerra.
Asi es q la tactica Narco/PRIista fue esperar 6 años ya q estaban muy seguros q ganarian las proximas elecciones.
Aqui entre los q se aguantaron la espera habia muchos oportunistas q “soportaban indignidades” con la idea de q esperar q con “este gobierno si se pueda trabajar” (robar, corromper), o sea gente q no le gusta trabajar y q prefiern la manera facil de ganarse el dinero: templeados del gobierno “fantasma”,policias q no sabian leer ni escribir, corruptos, ladrones, secuestradores, puesteros q invadian calles y banquetas, lideres sindicales de dudosa reputa cion, etc etc etc.
Cuantos de los sicarios atrapados por la ley han sido ex policias o alguna d elas “profesiones” q menciono arriba?
No se cuanta gente no sabe q el PRI creo una CULTURA de corrupcion y permitio q criminales aerrorizaran al pais usando una tarjeta oficial.
Pero el PRI volvio a perder.
Y empezo la masacre.
Los Narcos humanos se deshumanizaron.. el dinero valia mas q la vida humana, la ambicion pudo mas q el sufrimiento de millones de MUJERES al ver a sus hijos(AS), padres, o hermanos(AS) victimas d ela droga.
Por q ya el negocio no era solo vender droga a USA, sino q a todo Mex.
Gran error pensar q TODOS los Mex somos PRI istas, fanaticos religiosos o borregos o q votamos por un presidente solo por tener cara BONITA.
Mexico ya no es el Mexico de hace 500 años
No se cuantos mexicanos sienten verguenza de tener un presidente tan inepto y tan idiota como el q tenemos.
Es increible las burradas q comete ya sea habladas o fisicas.Una de ellas es la q cometio con las Fuerzas Armadas Mexicanas al no saber dar el ssaludo correcto.
El presidente es el Comandante de las Fuerzas Armadas y es una insensibilidad no haberles dedicado un tiempo para aprender de ellos, sus protocolos, rangos, saludos, necesidades.
Estos militares merecen q se les cuadre uno, un saludo muy merecido al estilo MILITAR.Es como decirle de frente mirandolea los ojos: te respeto por tu valor, por tu lealtad, por tu abnegacion.
Estos militares q arriesgan su vida contra los narcos me imagino se sienten ignorados, algunos ofendidos , tal vez algunos crean q el jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas debe de ser alguien digno de admiracion , ya q se supone q llego a ser Jefe es por q es muy inteligente.
Lo q hizo de darle la mano como se le da a un sirviente mas de la casa es ofensivo.
Se nota q hay comprension ( abnegacion? Respeto a la constitucion?) por parte de los militares al entender el Ejercito esta ahi para defender al pueblo y obedecer al Jefe Supremo.
Pero cuantos dejan de ser Militares y se vuelven un Mexicano(a) mas?
EL Mundo
Q concepto tiene el mundo de nosotros? Q somos igual q el?
Q clase de mente tenemos? Que pais negociaria o haria tratados bilaterlaes con un pais asi , con gente inculta?
Se va a perpetuar el mito q solo somos mexican curious?
Ya no recargados en un pitayo sino ahora mirando fut bol o tv novelas.
Como puede creer el resto del Mundo q Mexico quiere ser un pais de primera si somos dominados por una maquina politica experta (PRI) .
Una revolucion la aceptarian pobres y ricos.
Los ricos? Si. Son contra ellos los q tradicionalmente se hacen las revoluciones.
Pero ahora ellos pueden ver q con un personaje asi como Peña Nieto nadie los tomara en serio.\
Porque? Porque va a estar latente el peligro de una revolucion.
Porque los empresarios no quieren q se les vea como a unos simples vendedores de tacos, Los empresarios mex estan al nivel de cualquier empresario en el mundo.
Ya no se confia en Mexico como nacion Inteligente.
Se haran tratados simbolicos q de nada sirven al pueblo, seran solo tratados paraq los ministros vengan a echarse unas vacacioncitas a los mejores balnearios y a comer comida mexicana.
O lo peor q solo vengan a dormirse como hizo Peña Nieto en el funeral de Hugo Chavez.
Los militares se averguenzan de el tb . Mi respeto para esta gente q ha sabido contenerse ante un presidente q es una afrenta para el Ejercito Mexicano.
El pueblo mexicano es ahora el hazmereier ( No Alzheimer, bueno si Alzheimer por q olvidaron) del Mundo..
Ahora es cuando cuando es el mejor momento de rebelarse ya q es una mayoria la q se averguenza de el: pobres, ricos, militares, PANistas, PRDistas, estudiantes y no se quien mas.
A Peña Nieto solo lo apoya los q ingenuamente creen q el PRI es un nuevo PRI con una imagen joven.
No saben q si se lanzo a el fue por q los viejos PRIistas no tenian ninguna oportunidad de ganar.
Lo apoyan tb hijos de PRIistas q saben q con el PRI “si se puede trabajar”=robar.
Lo apoyan mucha MUJER naca , inculta q solo votaron por el por q estaba guapo.
Lo apoyan los q manejan la maquina politica PRI ista q saben de antemano q el mexicano no se rebelara, q solo dira: “ En Mexico se necesita una revolucion” y esta maquina politica PRIista ya sabe muy bien q es solo eso: un deseo nada mas, q la mayoria le pedira a “dios” q traiga tiempos mejores.
Lo apoyan (tacitamente) todos esos q solo dicen “ el gobierno deberia hacer esto, lo otro”.
Pero haciendo numeros: Quienes son mas los q lo apoyan o los q lo quieren un mejor presidente?
Si , gano el , pero gano porque los Mexicanos no se unieron o sea todos los partidos politicos contra el PRI , la meta hubiera sido q no volviera la dictadura.
La desunion de los Mexicanos permitio q un burro llegara a ser presidente de Mexico.
La desunion d elos Mexicanos permitio q los españoles nos conquistaran y q diera origen a ideas malconcebidas acerca del bien o el mal.
Malo: indigena, prieto, moreno, no hablar español, ser campesino, no ser catolico ni adorar a la virgencita, no andar a la moda, las mujeres “ no darse a respetar”, no dar de regalo una botella de tequila, no oir corridos narcos,
Bueno: Guero, blanco, hablar españo e Ingles, logra todo a como de lugar, andar a la moda, tomar tequila, comprar corridos de narcos o peliculas, ver peliculas de la “epoca de oro”, ir a las peregrinaciones d ela virgen, ser catolico, arreglar todo con mordidas, (hasta a dios se le compra para nacer, hacer priera comunion , casarse, morir o una misa x un difunto)
Asi es q hacemos algo o solo se la van a pasar poniendo chistes mofandose de Peña Nieto , algo q no logra nada. O creen q se gana algo con hacerle saber q es odiado? EL PRI tiene suficiente dinero como para pagarle un psicologo q haga q no le afecte el odio d elos Mex. Y q viva en su fantasia con su Gaviota. El , EPN no gobierna, gobierna la misma maquina politica PRIista q estaba un poco enmohecida pero q ya empezo a andar sus engranajes.
Desgraciadamente fue una maquina q se diseño desde 1929 y q por pasividad d elos Mex habia funcionado, pero llego Google, Tweet y Facebook y cambio a algunos Mex.
Ojo, noten q dije a unos:
1_`q los compra con que?
Cuantos de los q tienen computadora tienen acceso directo (virtual) a estas gentes o activarlas?
a)Por desgracia no solo la gente q sabe q se necesita un cambio tiene computadora, sino q los juniors e hijos de narcos tb las tienen .Estos personajes en cierta manera activan a los IGNORANTES.
b) PRIistas nacos q se afiliaron al PRI por ganar un puesto en el tianguis o un permiso en la banqueta, y viejas q se la pasan queriendo estar con la nueva moda al estilo Justin Bieber.
Estas mujeres al ser mas las “nuevas ricas” se les refuerza la idea de q lo extranjero es lo “bueno” y al ver tanta foto en la internet CONTRAsu idolo guapo, se les refuerza mas la idea de luchar x el (por EPN), o sea ya hay una razon para ser martires al menos , virtual, algunas estaran decididas a dar su vida tal vez x el.( si dieron su vida x una pintura con mas razon la daran por un “dios” real.)

c)Viejos PRI q ya saborearon el sabor de las mieles de la corrupcion y q ahora se saborean los miles de dolares q ganaran ya q hay nuevas maneras (tecnologia) de robar al Gobierno.
d) Nuevos PRI istas q ingenuamente creen q el PRI esta cambiado. Crasso error pensar eso, ya q los narcos ayudaron para llevar al PRI de nuevo al poder y estos NARCOS querran el mismo sistema de antes de hacer sus sucios negocios sin q el Gobierno haga mucho o mas bien nada o q “cooperen mutuamente” PRI y criminales.
Estos forman un numero real de gentes con los q cuenta el PRI. Estos mas aparte la politica de dar despensas y otras cosas del PRI hacen q este sea un numero de gentes q son reales , existen y q si crean actividad REAL, palpable, corroborable, en elos Mexicanos.
Son la mayoria?
Se puede volver una cultura de corrupcion y naquencia como en tiempos d ela dictadura PRIista?
2-Las ultimas dos generaciones de Mex son mas activos politicamente y es un error por parte de l PRI querer usar las mismas tacticas de antes.
O las usa x q comprobo historicamente o cientificamente q el Mexicano cambio geneticamnete y se volvio el Mexicano del tiempo d ela conquista cuando cambio costumbres , conceptos y dioses e idioma.
Es posible q el PRI cientificamnte ( o historicamente?) comprobo que:
Nos avergonzamos d enuestro color.
otra raza es mejor.
Creemos q no podemos igualarnos con los paises del 1er mundo.
El mexicano no apoya la idea de la violacion d ela soberania territorial d emex aceptando q USA venga con su ayuda a atrapara los narcos.
Le funciono a la perfeccion la idea de centenaria de control con una imagen.
Somos fanaticos.
Somos facilmente controlables con telenovelas o futbol, tequila, narco corridos.
Es comodidad muy preciada por parte de los Mexicanos de no “meterse n broncas” ?
Nadie se “metera en broncas”, la tecnologia puede ayudar a que el Mundo nos vea como gente inteligente.
No todos los Mex tiene la nueva tecnologia, de hecho la mayoria no la tiene por lo tanto se mantienen IGNORANTES de la verdad y son presas faciles como siempre del PRI.
Pero cuantos de nosotros SI tenemos acceso a computadoras o a la tecnologia y cuantos de nosotros podemos tener contacto directo con grupos q no la tiene?
Q se necesita para consolidar un grupo ANTI Nieto en un solo?
Q s enecesita para q diario un grupo de personas vaya al zocalo oa los pinos con sus compus, una pantalla y exponga las burradas d enuestro presidente?
Nadie tiene q disparar un balazo.
O es q el Mexicano solo se “mete en broncas” (muy macho) cuando alguien se le queda mirando y no cuando le hacen una injusticia?
Pos q machitos somos los Mexicanos!!
Los jovenes de ahora ya participan mas en su destino , espero q nos pongan la muestra a los viejos q se excitan mas siendo chivistas o americanistas.
O sera q como siempre esperaran q sean otros los “pendejos” q se vayan a la sierra a echar chingadazos como Ramiro, Lucio, Genaro. Carmelo Cortez, Gloria y Jacobo Arenas?
Sera q su revolucion sera de copiar y pegar chistes del burro Peña Nieto?
Sera q es mas comodo ver todo en una lap top, o sea ser revolucionario de cafe o silla?

The Boxer just one more poor guy waiting in the LIMBO

The Boxer

In one of trillionths of halls I found this weird guy ( I should stop saying weird , since everybody here in the Limbo was weird or strange looking) who was wearing a blatantly colored boxing shorts and in his hands a pair of boxing gloves.
Everybody called him The Boxer.

I could easily sense some agony he was enduring and at the same time I saw some signs of rebellion on his face. He looked like someone having a nightmare.

I stopped to observe him , and without asking -like always- the Voices started to “inform” me of his sins:
_He likes pink clothes!!
_He is a dirty man !!He speaks about sex without shame!
_Yeah! He thinks that is more fun to have more than one position other than missionary!!
_ Right! He does not like the idea of using a blanket to cover a woman when doing “that”
I asked….excuse me? A blanket??? “That” ?
_Yes!!!! A blanket with a hole to permit the man to “be” with her!!
I never heard of such practice…mmm an adorned embroided blanket that covers her whole body and leaves only a hole to “be” ( I assumed they meant penetrate) with her.
_Just look at his body! You can see his dirty thoughts!

Like I did before, I just ignored them knowing that these Voices some belonged to past cultures and it was easy to assume that their ideas clashed with this man that looked from my times.
But he was there in the Limbo the same as the Voices being accused of something and since you can’t  go yet  to Heaven or  God to the Eternal Life he was here in the Limbo waiting to get his sentence.
The Boxer had his eyes closed but he still flunged his hands at “something” like demons in a nightmare.
Sometimes he looked very decided to fight whatever he was fighting and some times he looked in anguish when his thoughts emerged all over his body.
When he looked anguished a snake appeared on his head, injecting her poison.
Below I will explain why this snake was a her.
I needed to know why this man looked rebellios , willing to fight whatever he was fighting and mortified at the same time.
I invited him to follow me to an empty room where nobody could he could have a brake from the accusations of the relenteless Voices.
_What’s your name”
_ My name? You want my name or the name given to me by the Voices and society or the name given to me by my parents?
_It does not matter.How should I call you?
Call me The Boxer, since I got used to it and besides I forgot to be myself  and since I forgot to be myself  I forgot my real name too.
_Ok Mr Boxer.Why the Boxer shorts? Where you a boxer in the earth? I like the color , not many men would dare to wear that color , I admire you, I sense you are a one of a kind person.
The Boxer thought I was mocking him when I mentioned the word “color”, his reaction was unexpected:
_You too!Ha! You too!!!!
_What the fuck is wrong with PINK?? You mean a man CAN NOT wear pink because is a feminine color? You looked smarter, but I was wrong, you are not! You are like The Voices, or like my parents or ancestors who sound exactly like those god dammed voices!! Where did you get the idea that pink is a feminine color? When did this pink thing became a law? Even if it was a law I have the right to disagree with it and fight it!!!

I saw the man was almost having a heart attack , I saw his chin tremble, his voice was choked, his extremeties shaked too, his eyes were  as big as a saucer( what a liar I am!), his voice got weaker and weaker.
_No! No!No! Hold it Boxer! I really meant when I said I like pink, because I am an ar….
My sentence was cut short by the boxer who had gained his strenght back.
_So, you think I am a gay ? Ha? Let me tell you something about pink! Pink is a color like any other color ! Did you know that? What would you know! You are no different than those Voices!

I could tell he had an issue with The Voices.
I was about to say something when he started shooting again.
_I know what you are thinking, that I hate The Voices….
I was surprised and marveled at this man…could he read minds?
_No, for your info I don’t hate them, see, The Voices and the Great Society are the one and the same.My parents were Voices too, I was raised by Voices, by copies of a copies, clones of  clones,…see? They had the same ideas  maybe thousand years old and could not change or stop their lives and see if these assertions were true or not. They just took them as an  absolute TRUTH. Where did they get the idea that colors are good or bad? Pink is gay or feminine. Black is bad or Demoniac, which by the way I don’t see the famous devil in red or black or with big horns and long tail smelling like sulphur, Aztec eyes ( indigenous) or with the legs of a goat! What a lie!!
He took a long breath and since he was in a roll and I knew he would not listen to me I let them proceed:
_So, White is good, associated with God….Another lie!..He does not look like an old man and with white, long beard! White is symbol of purity…Bullshit! Do the Voices know where these concepts come? NO! they don’t! they just repeat everything for ages and ages and with the pass of time they lost the knowledge of why…why these so called humans  lost the ability, trait or right of questioning, investigating, rationalizing ? Good question!
( Good question? I did not ask anything)

He took another breath and continued:

_We humans are born without any concept of good or bad .We are what our parents and society teach us, so we get used to some things like even if we don’t care what society assign for boys or girls like toys, colors, manners, chores, etc etc….You mean a boy is going to be gay if he plays with girls toys or likes the color pink or dos some girl’s chores? A boy or girl in a way is a born atheist since he does not belive or understand what “god’ is , he /she just goes to church because is an expected CHORE , and he mention “god” in his life as something learned or because their parents thought them to be afraid, thus these kids are not true believers.
You follow me?
_Yes, I am still here.
_ Ok …Some of these kids became true believers , like I was .
_You mean…you are not an atheist?
_I am now, thanks to God.

I got confused.

_Thanks to god? Hey God! Someone needs you over here!
God showed up like always with a ray of white lights and smoke and with his sempipheternal naked children.
_ Yesss?
Then something strange happened. This mighty god looked weaker and weaker and he was vanishing when he saw the Boxer.
God was gone, I could not understand this or the Boxer grin, smirk, smile.
_Did you see that?
_ See what? I did not see anything, all I saw was a common man like you and I that came here and left.
_ Ok I’ll explain. I see him as any regular man , everybody see him as they or their subconcient wants to. To me he was invented by men when they could not explain phenomena of our  Mother Nature , to solve all their problems or to forgive them for their sins , especially men’s sins ,since women are supposed to follow his laws to the letter. You see him vanishing because you can’t unload yet all those concepts thought to you by your parents or society, when person like me talk about humans being free thinkers he start to vanish. By the way , I am not the only one, there is many boxers around.
You see him like that because you are afraid, which is normal, since you at some time were one of the Voices…do you see some of those Voices how they act before his presence?
Lok at them, afraid, some faint, some bow their heads, some don’t dare to look at his face, the majority ask him for a favor.
God exists thanks to these folks.

Some how my mind wandered to a country where politicians were semi-gods.
The Boxer continued:

_Lets resume: our infancy and adolescence is ruled by the “good” society and their infallible knowledge learned from ancestral sayings like_________ withoust stopping to raionalize.
But then you became a MAN.
Some men more or less shake their beliefs from childhood, some don’t, some you will see them like you saw some of those Voices fearsome of god and deprived of any will to do anything in their own, most of them will say “if god’s will” or “the government should…”
_ But why those things popping out all over your body?
I saw protuberances and cavities all over his body in a very distinctive shapes.
Like a magic word he standed up and started to fight the invisible enemy.
His eyes closed , his mouth wide open , short breathing, anxiety there.
The Voices peeked and shouted:
_SEE!! See by yourself his dirty thoughts!
_Go away!
And they left.
The Boxer could manage some words and said:
_It’s no me! Those are not my ideas! Is this devilish snake sent by Stan to poison my mind!! She injects poisonous ideas !!,
My mother and most people in  my hometown all the time said that women were the devil, they told me sex was bad ,I know sex is not to enjoy, a thing from the devil, something nobody should mention it, especially women.
_Why they came into your life?
_Is a natural thing, is something gentic, if you learn from society that something is mysterious, like sex is normal for kids to investigate why.Do you know children masturbate as early as 2 years old?
Oh man I control saying these things! Help me , please, someone please help meeeeeeeee!!!

The Voices comely came to his rescue:
_We have pity on you Boxer, come and pray with us.
An exorcist came by too.
Holy water showed up I don’t know  from where.
But the Boxer kept saying:
_Have you felt the walls of a vagina wet, smooth, slimy? AGHHHHHHHHHH!!! Please helppppppp!!
_Ave maria Purisima!
_Sin pecado concebido!
_Santa maria madre de dios…..
_There is nothing better than enjoy sex with a being you love, be a man or a woman. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Please kill meeeeee!! I did not say that!
A whole bucket of holy water was poured in the Boxer.
_We always knew he was a gay! Just look at his PINK shorts! Beat the devil!
_Have you felt a woman breast grow in your mouth? NOOOOOOO!!
_Women are like blooming flowers when they give you the best present ever: their holy femenine nectar! OH NOOOOOOO Please God Help me!
_Satan va de retro!!
Have you ever seen a clitoris?? Have you seen it grow ?Aghhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Have you seen a vagina pulsate when is having an orgasm?
The cavities and protuberances kept tormenting him.
Then a woman’s face showed up in his head.
I could tell now HE WAS TORMENTED.The good advices from mama came to his mind: Women are the Devil.
Are women really the devil?? Why a woman would talk like that about one of her own genre?
Are all women devils?
Or only the ones with short skirts and free smile? Or the ones who does not cover her face when passing by men? Or the ones who smile back when a man flirts with them? Why they were called whores even if they did not sell their bodies?
What colors are acceptable? Who determines which ones are acceptable? Who grants the power to the color dictators? Who is exempt from using them?
Are gays sons of the devil? Can a Man love another man? Can a woman love another woman?
Why if some humans can't love a person different than them , why don't they at least respect them?
Who is supposed to judge gays , Men or God? Are they free beings?
Oh God Help me!!
And God came:
_Why do you think we called you? To cry for help? Or to help us? Good help we got!


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Chaos: Illegals in USA Solution:

One reason USA racists argue (Republicans, Tea Party, Birthers, small brainers), to hate Mexicans USA is q according to them, we are draining the American economy through the Health System or subsidize many of our countrymen to q have a health care system.
This was true in the decades before the late 90's when it became more difficult to get medical help without legal papers, now that vacuum filled by community clinics.
In the decades of the 60's to the 90's many women, most Mexican became pregnant because the government would  send them a check for child support, were givenfree pre-and post-natal, and besides they received food stamps or subsidized rent and did not have to work.
There were some couples were the man worked and did not report full earnings to the government to be able to cash a check from tax refund each year.
I could go on with more easy ways our Mexican countrymen milked the American cow, but I won’t. The American people learned the bad habits of these people self named “ smart ".
The Mexican learned all this thanks to the PRI dictatorship they had for more than 70 years  and when he/she left Mexico, Mexico did not left them, it stayed in their hearts and genes, they brougt with them their old, bad habits and costumes.
The Mexican and American blacks share these same habits.
There is chaos in America because of this and I thought something could be done.

Is it feasible to open IMSS clinics in USA? ( IMSS: Mex Govmnt Health agency similar to Kaiser)
It could  be a bilateral U.S. / MEX agreement  and work with existing community clinics that allready  provide our countrymen with low cost or no cost medical benefits, these Community Clinics survive with sponsorships of benefactors, a list that each day grow less. The Mexican government could be one of those benefactors.
Nowdays there is a new generation of Mexicans that don’t have  PRI / African American ideas
 so ingrained on them.
Our countrymen would gladly pay a share equal or maybe a little higher one than in Mexico to have health insurance here in USA.
Millions of Mexicans live distressed thinking what they would do if they or their family gets sick, it is not the same as before when they  did not give much thought about it, now there are more obstacles to get medical attention.
A Mexican rather go to a Countryman doctor and besides  in his/her language.
Mexican doctors would have an opportunity to learn more skills or expertise in USA and then apply them in Mexico if they decide to return. Maybe it would be good idea that doctors volunteering to come to the U.S.  have as a condition that they learn something or take out a master or specialty during their stay here.
This would create a pool of Mexicans doctors trained in USA, changing the concept USA has about them. Only USA sees them this way.
These clinics would help the American economy and the IMSS.
This idea ease some racism or resentment towards Mexicans.
This would give the Mexican a  reason to shut up racists, they won’t a  reason to say we drain the economy. (Perhaps we would be proud of this)
And something else: most racists are poor why not accept them as patients?
The U.S. citizen living is also distressed by medical insurance, fees are very high and people juggles to pay them and not leave their families without medical insurance. IMSS could accept any person, of any race or religion,The idea is that everybody have a health insurance at an affordable price, as now community clinics do with daily shorter budget.
I know racists now will attack the quality of services, but it would not be sa generalized racism, the most vociferarants would be Tea Party  and  Birthers and non brainers know nothings
I know the big insurance companies and their politicians are not going to like it either .. but hey now two cultures would be against a few that control our pockets.
When people save money, I assume the people will defend that right NOT to be squeezed.

CAOS: Mex Ilegales en USA ... IMSS poner clinicas en USA?

Una de las razones q aducen los racistas (Republicanos, Tea Party),  para odiar a los Mexicanos en USA es q de acuerdo a ellos, estamos drenando la Economia Americana por medio del sistema del Salud o sea q subsidian a muchos de nuestros paisanos para q tengan un sistema de cuidado medico.
Esto fue cierto en las decadas antes del los finales de los 90's cuando se hizo mas dificil conseguir ayuda medica sin tener papeles legales, vacio q llenaron las clinicas cominitarias.
En las decadas de los 60's  a los 90's muchas mujeres, la mayoria  Mexicanas se embarazaban para q el gobierno les mandara un cheque para la manutencion del niño, les daba atencion pre y pos natal gratis y aparte recibian estampillas para comprar comida o se les subsidiaba la renta y no tenian q trabajar.
Existian parejas q el hombre trabajaba y no reportaba ganancias completas al Gobierno para si poder cobrar un cheque cada año.
Podria seguir con mas formas faciles en la q nuestros paisanos Mexicanos ordeñaban la vaca Americana, pero no es el tema.El tema es q el Pueblo Americano aprendio las malas costumbres de estas personas autollamadas  "listas" inteligentes" "vivos".
El Mexicano aprendio todo esto gracias al la dictadura PRI ista y cuando salio de Mexico, Mexico no salio de ellos.
El Mexicano y el negro Americano comparten muchas malas costumbres.
Hay un caos en America debido a esto y pense q se podria hacer algo.

Sera factible q el IMSS abra clinicas en USA?
Se podria un acuerdo bilateral USA/MEX y trabajar con clinicas  comunitarias ya existentes q brindan ayuda a nuestros paisanos con patrocinio de benefactores, el Gobierno Mexicano podria ser uno de esos benefactores.
Ya hay una nueva generacion de Mexicanos q no tienen las ideas PRI istas/AfroAmericanas 
 tan arraigadas.
Se q los paisanos gustoso pagarian una cuota igual o tal vez un poco mas elevada q en Mexico por tener un seguro Medico aca en USA.
Millones de Mexicanos viven angustiados al pensar q harian si algun dia se enferman, ya no es igual como antes q no se preocupaba por eso, ahora hay mas trabas.
Se q el Mexicano prefiriria ir a un Doctor paisano y en su idioma.
Los doctores Mexicanos tendrian oportunidad de aprender mas tecnicas o conocimientos en USA para luego aplicarlas en Mexico si deciden regresar. Tal vez seria buena idea q los doctores q se enlisten como voluntarios para venir a USA como condicion se les ponga q aprendan algo o saquen una maestria o especialidad mientras dure su estadia aca.
Se crearia una generacion de doctores entrenados en USA, ya q se tiene la creencia q todo en USA es mejor.Seria una buena reputacion a no ser q haya doctores nacionalistas y machistas y digan lo contrario solo por joder.
Estas clinicas ayudarian a la Economia Americana y al IMSS.
Esta idea calmaria un poco el racismo hacia los Mexicanos.
Esto les daria al Mexicano un tapabocas para los racistas, o sea q ya no habria razon para q digan q drenamos la economia.(tal vez se sentirian orgullosos)
Y algo mas: como la mayoria de los racistas son gente pobre por q no aceptarlos como pacientes?
El Ciudadano Americano tambien vive angustiado por el seguro de Vida, las cuotas son altisimas y el pueblo hace malabares para poder pagarlas y no dejar  a sus familias sin seguro medico.Se podria aceptar  a cualquier persona, de cualquier pais raza o religion q quisiera tener un seguro medico a precio accesible, como ahora lo hacen las clinicas comunitarias con un presupuesto cada dia mas corto.
Se q los racistas ahora atacarian la calidad de los servicios, pero ya no seria un racismo generalizado, los q vociferarian serian los de cerebro mas chiquito.
Se q las grandes companias aseguradoras y sus politicos no les va a gustar tampoco..pero bueno ahora serian dos culturas contra unos cuantos q controlan nuestros bolsillos.
Cuando el pueblo ahorra el pueblo defendera ese derecho a no ser exprimido.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ideas a desarrollar Libro

·        La cupula del PRI antes de las elecciones del 2012 creian q no iban a ganar las elecciones y por eso lanzaron al candidato menos idoneo para asi poder justificar una derrota.
·         Los PRI istas sabian q fue un golpe de buena suerte ganar la Presidencia de Mexico en 2012 y gobernar con una minoria y con un presidente impopular como paso en las elecciones de America con Bush-Gore.
·         Los PRI istas saben a la perfeccion q ese golpe de buena suerte durara solo 6 años e intentaran saquear lo mas q puedan en el sexenio.
Lo ideal en el 2012 hubiera sido q todos los partidos contra el PRI para no dejar la mas minima oportunidad de q ganara.
Ya se estan viendo los resultados de esa mala desicion. ¿
Q podemos hacer??
·         Viajar x todo Mex y coaleccer (grandes y pequeños)  los diferentes grupos organizados q esta en contra del PRI y su forma de Gobierno .Sera facil contactarlos ya q la mayoria usa Internet como medio de difusion como Google, facebook, twitter, chats, blogs.
·          Convocar a un Congreso para escuchar ideas q hacer  con la Dictadura. No desechar ninguna.
·         Crear un centro cibernetico , una organizacion donde todo mundo exponga sus ideas. Tb podra servir como Central de datos  de politicos y narcos q seran los blancos a atacar y q estaran identificados y documentados sus fechorias  previamente.
·         Ideas a proponer por mi en un Congreso: simbolicamente “huir” a la Sierra para no soportar la presencia del PRI sus PRI istas y su falta de humanismo , estudiantes univ continuar estudios en la sierra , dialogar con Univs acerca de esto, trabajar con la gente del campo, traer inventos o ideas q ayuden a los campesinos, contactar x separado a los q propondran la idea de una Rev Armada,
·         Conseguir fondos de grupos  q apoyen la idea de una revolucion esto para financiar gastos de viajes  y organizacion. Hay muchos empresarios/empresas q no estan contentos con nuestro presidente por q da una imagen ante el mundo de q los Mex somos los mismos nativos mexicanos de hace 500 años, q nos creemos todo y q somos presa facil para cualquier cosa. Esta imagen q da el presidente de los Mexicanos daña mucho a estos empresarios/empresas....Quien va a querer hacer tratos de negocios internacionales  con alguien q no sabe Ingles o q no tiene mucha cultura??? Tenemos q hacrle saber al mundo q NO TODOS LOS MEXICANOS SOMOS COMO NUESTRO PRESIDENTE.
·         Usar el mismo metodo del  enemigo  infiltrando gente en diferentes puntos claves q servirian en el futuro: Ejercito,(Ejercito sera muy indispensable)  Gobiernos federales, estatales y municipales, Iglesia, Televisa y otros medios de "informacion" adeptos al PRI/Gobierno, empresas q tienen concessiones con el Gobierno.

  Una vez ganada la Rev tomar medidas inmediatas q ganen el apoyo popular:

Sellar el pais para no dejar escapar ni un politico o narco.
Usar la central de datos para mandar info instantanea a todos los puertos para q detecten posibles intentos de fuga de narcos o politicos.

·         Imponer la pena de muerte a los Narcotraficantes con retroactividad de 40 años.
·         Sacar a los presos de las carceles y llevarlos a carcles populares en al Sierra donde no puedan tener ningun beneficio de celulares, tv, mujeres, licor, drogas u otra cosas.
·         A los presos Narcotraficantes, politicos PRI istas o estafadores  darles la opcion de ser fusilados o   entregar todo lo economico o material q lograron ilictamente a lo largo de 40 años,  luego monitorearlos por un plazo de 10 años a q no tengan nada de dinero y q trabajen. Otra opcion seria darles carcel por 40 años aislados de todo contacto fisico con el resto del pais con todo y su familia por q es bien sabido q narcos y PRIistas ponen sus propiedades o dinero a nombre de familiares; la idea es q en esos 40 años sean suficientes como para q decidan mejor entregar todo lo q se robaron.
·         Estas condenas se aplicaran a todo criminal en especial a Narcotraficantes, politicos o estafadores.
·        Empezar con un pais limpio de fisicamente y politicamente. La sociedad internacional sabra q la revolucion no sera una revolucion tradicional.Se trabaja mejor cuando se esta en un lugar limpio, dan mas deseos de echarle ganas. Perseguir energicamente a pandilleros o a graffiteros ya presos darles la opcion de re pintar por un plazo de 4 años, diariamente, todas las paredes q  esten grafiteadas.
·         A Partidos Politicos obligarlos a q borren todo su graffiti politico q han tenido ahi por años y si persisten obligar a los lideres a pintar las paredes con gastos proveniendo del Partido o grupo incluyendo a los de manifestantes q ayudaron a la revolucion. La idea es no afectar propiedad de terceros ya q esto en vez de ayudar es contraproducente.
         A las mujeres al q su esposo tenga historial de ser borracho  se les entregara el sueldo q gane el esposo y ella lo administrara.
·         A los hombres q golpeen a sus esposas se les pondra en celdas con tipos q les enseñen a a no ser aprovechados con seres indefensos.
·         Se le enseñara a la mujer a no tener miedo a las armas  y a manejarlas para poder defenderse.Solo las mujeres  podran tener acceso a estas armas.
·         Si es la mujer la q  saca de la carcel al marido golpeador se le quitara sus bienes e hijos y a ambos se les mandara a una carcel aislada donde los hijos o sociedad no vean esto. Los Bienes seran administrados por asociasiones comunitarias y se les entregara a los hijos cuando sean mayores de edad. La revolucion podra educar a estos hijos.

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